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来源: 时间:2018-12-20 10:15:57作者: 点击数:

   2018124日当地时间上午9点,我院冬令营团队前往雅典国家技术大学(National Technical University of AthensNUTA进行调研。我院欧方教授Vasilis RiziotisDimitris BourisGeorge Caralis热情的进行了接待。


   首先Vasilis Riziotis 教授在机械工程学院会议室为一行人的到来致欢迎词并介绍了UNTA的基本情况。幻灯片讲解结束后,Vasilis RiziotisDimitris BourisGeorge Caralis三位教授带领我们参观了空气动力学实验室、应用热力学实验室、热力涡轮机实验室以及蒸汽锅炉和热电厂实验室,各个实验室的负责人向我们简要概述了该实验室的主要研究方向与研究内容,并简单讲解了各实验设备的原理及应用。



   下午2点,中欧代表团与雅典国家技术大学欧洲航空航天学生社团进行交流。首先是三位社团负责人向我们介绍了欧洲航空航天学生协会, EUROAVIA是一个国际学生协会,是航空货运挑战赛的官方组织者,这是一项欧洲各大学间竞赛,旨在通过制造空中飞行器来激发学生之间的联系并回忆他们的理论知识和实践技能的组织。在雅典该协会主要分为本地董事会以及欧洲航空航天学生协会(EUROAVIAns)。本地董事会由主席、秘书、财务主管、市场主管以及技术主管组成。EUROAVIAns50位本校学生以及60位校友组成。该社团每年会组织学生去机场参观学习,并会组织培训训练学生的小组合作及实践等各方面能力,同时,还会派出小组参加雅典科技节的比赛。最后,双方学生对于中欧学生社团工作、交流互访、中欧文化等进行了密切讨论,并该校学生赴我院参加冬令营、夏令营等活动的可行性进行了讨论,并达成初步意向。













   Vasilis A. Riziotis:It has been a great pleasure and honor for our university but above all for all of us involved in ICARE program to host our Chinese students and their companion, Mrs.KOU Fangling at NTUA campus. For over seven years NTUA “flying professors” offer courses in their university and receive their warmest reception, hospitality and appreciation. For the first time we have been given the unique opportunity to host, at least some of them, in our campus and let them visit our labs, meet our students, see with their own eyes our research and working environment and become familiar with some of our academic and research activities. Our guests arrived early in the morning, carrying in their luggage the same familiar to us excitement and enthusiasm they also express in class during our lectures. They were given guided tours by NTUA professors in the labs of Aerodynamics and Marine Engineering, where they visited the big wind tunnel and the towing tank facility, the labs of Applied Thermodynamics, steam boilers and thermal plants where they saw a number of renewable energy applications related to solar energy and biomass and finally the lab of thermal turbo machinery where they saw a number of low and high speed turbojet test rigs. During the visits, all our colleagues were astonished by the sparkle in the students’ eyes and their eagerness to ask and learn new things. This was not a surprise to all of us who are working with the ICARE students during all these years! The visit closed with a meeting of our guests with Greek students (Euroavia association). The Greek students presented to their Chinese colleagues their activities and exchanged with them experiences and thoughts. For all of us, the visit of the Chinese students’ delegation was an extremely positive experience and we are more than willing to organize similar events in the future.