3月21日和3月26日,我院来自英国的欧方导师Ian Forbes教授、西班牙的José Antonio Domínguez Navarro教授和Juan Miguel Lujano Rojas老师以及我院长期外专Demetri Mathioulakis教授在学院教育中心主任刘洋、教育中心主任助理谭亚玲的陪同下分别来到武汉剧院观看了汉剧传统剧目《穆桂英智破天门阵》、昆曲经典剧目《西厢记》。

曲终人散,教授们一个个意犹未尽,Ian Forbes教授观看的是武戏,汉剧演员的服装技艺给他留下了深刻的印象:I was impressed by the colours of the costumes and the stylised singing and theatrical movements of the actors and use of the different techniques to show the importance of different characters. The years of training needed for the particular movements and the outline of the story, was explained to me by Ms Liu Yang.
Each scene and actor’s performance was skilful and colourful, their movements and songs as well as their interactions with each other, the use of music and props/costumes was very interesting. The years of training were clear and the songs different to those I am used to, but with the help of my colleague, I was able to gain a fascinating insight into their message and appreciated the combination of all to provide a spectacular evening of entertainment. This was a wonderful introduction into this form of Chinese culture and I was very happy to have had the opportunity to attend. The evening was one of the best experiences I have had during my visits to HUST and ICARE and I would like to thank all who gave me the chance to attend. I would also like to thank my colleague for the lovely introduction and understanding into the evening and without whom, I would not have been able to understand the performance.
I do feel however that it was a valuable insight into an important area of culture that has stimulated me to know much more.
I am very happy to have seen the performance and thank all involved for making this possible for me to experience.
观看《西厢记》的Demetri Mathioulakis教授则被服装和音乐深深吸引:
During the performance I was also keeping an eye on the Chinese subtitles of which although a very small percentage I could recognize was of a some assistance for me. The traditional costumes and music carried me back to the past of this place. It was a very nice experience.
José Antonio Domínguez Navarro则对陪同的老师表示了感谢:
I loved it. I think it's a very beautiful show.
Thank you very much for your kindness and attention.
昆曲(Kun Opera),原名“昆山腔”或简称“昆腔”,是中国古老的戏曲声腔、剧种,现又被称为“昆剧”。昆曲发源于14世纪中国的苏州太仓南码头,后经魏良辅等人的改良而走向全国,自明代中叶独领中国剧坛近300年。昆曲糅合了唱念做打、舞蹈及武术等,以曲词典雅、行腔婉转、表演细腻著称,被誉为“百戏之祖”。昆曲以鼓、板控制演唱节奏,以曲笛、三弦等为主要伴奏乐器,其唱念语音为“中州韵”。昆曲在2001年被联合国教科文组织列为“人类口述和非物质遗产代表作”