4月15日,洪山礼堂人声鼎沸,京剧名家于魁智、李胜素携国家京剧院演员在武汉洪山礼堂进行专场演出,为观众带来国粹经典《穆桂英挂帅》,在我校艺术教育中心的鼎立支持下,我院欧方外教Bruno Peuportier、Marie-Lise Pannier、Georgios Karalis、Dimitrios Papantonis 及他的夫人Papantony Caterina在我院行政中心主任助理寇芳玲的陪同下得以一睹大师们的风采。



Bruno Peuportier:The Beijing opera spectacle we enjoyed on Monday 15 April was very interesting for us because it shows a traditional Chinese way of singing, dancing and reading. The costumes and nice theater sets are very special and impressive, as well as the work performed by the singers, actors and musicians.Thank you again for this excellent evening at the opera.
Dimitris Papantonis and George Caralis:It was a great idea to offer us the spectacle of Chinese Opera and we thank you very much. We loved the costumes and the facial make-ups. Although we could not understand the language we found it very impressive as it was indicative of China’s history and culture.
We also appreciated the admiration of the actors by the people which proves their abbreviation for this kind of traditional spectacle.