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来源: 时间:2014-07-02 14:48:51作者: 点击数:




3 114 : 武汉

地点 : 武汉

5 117 : 上海

地点 : 上海





French-Chinese Conference on Green Chemistry

A better chemistry for a better life

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we inform you that the “French-Chinese conference on Green Chemistry, a better chemistry for a better life” (FC2GChem) will be held, from November 5th to November 7th 2014 in Shanghai, under the auspices of the Joint Research Institute for Science and Society (JORISS), an international research and development platform sponsored by ECNU, ENS Lyon, CNRS, University of Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes Region. A pre-symposium focused on biomass as renewable resources for chemistry and energy will be scheduled on November 3 & 4 2014 in Wuhan.

This meeting has been selected as one of the events, which celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relationships between France and China. This official recognition by Institut Français (The French Ministry of Foreign Affair and the French Ministry of Culture) will bring an even wider visibility to the conference.

The aim of FC2GChem is to highlight academic and industrial research and innovation in sustainable chemistry which is expected to bring both economic development and societal progress over the 21st century. This conference will show the latest achievements of the existing partnerships between Chinese and French teams and will favor the seeding of future collaborations.

This conference will be the first of a new series of events, combining two former series of meetings (Sino-French Conference on Green Chemistry and the Better Chemistry for better life) which took place in the recent years in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Lyon. It will gather about 100 Chinese and French scientists both from industry and academia. Most areas of green chemistry will be covered including low-carbon chemicals and energy, safer fine chemicals and processes, soil, water and air purification and remediation, innovative platform molecules and materials… in an interdisciplinary environment involving, organic, catalysis, materials, process and theoretical chemists.

The format of the conference will include invited plenary and keynote lectures as well as selected oral communications and posters held at East China Normal University (ECNU, Shanghai). The pre-symposium focusing on biomass for energy and chemistry will take place at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST, Wuhan), as Wuhan gathers important institutions, academic Laboratories and industrial groups focusing on the use of renewable resources for energy and chemistry.

This event will be honored by the presence of several members of French and Chinese Academies of Sciences among the speakers.

The Organization and Scientific Committee, a list of topics and a preliminary timetable are given in the next pages.



Chemical innovation dedicated to renewable energy

Biomass pre-treatment for improved processes towards energy and chemicals

Innovative monomers, polymers and materials from bioresources

Theoretical approaches towards catalytic design dedicated to biomass conversion

CO2 chemistry

New strategies for the elaboration and functionalization of alkenes

Atom-economical strategies towards fine chemicals

Innovation in green homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyses.

Environmentally friendly activation methods for chemical processes

Examples of industrial successes related to green chemistry

Process intensification related to unconventional media and activation methods

Biological and chemical strategies for soil remediation

Organizing and Scientific Committees (at the present time)




Prof. Laurent BONNEVIOT



INSA Lyon, Université de Lyon


Prof. HE Mingyuan

ECNU, Shanghai

Prof. GU Yanlong

HUST, Wuhan

Scientific Committee


Université Lyon 1


L’Oréal, Paris


CPE Lyon

Prof. Etienne FLEURY

INSA Lyon, Université de Lyon

Prof. Marc LEMAIRE

Université Lyon 1

Dr Catherine PINEL

CNRS - Université Lyon 1

Dr Elsje Alessandra QUADRELLI

CPE Lyon

Dr Philippe SAUTET

ENS Lyon

Prof. FU Xianzhi

Fuzhou University

Prof. HU Song

ICARE, Wuhan

Prof. HUANG Peiqiang

Xiamen University

Prof. JIANG Huanfeng

SCUT, Guangzhou

Prof. WU Peng

ECNU, Shanghai

Prof. YIN Guochuan

HUST, Wuhan

Prof. ZHANG Wen

JORISS, ECNU, Shanghai

Prof. ZHAO Dongyuan

Fudan University

French members of the scientific committee working in China: Dr Jean-Marc CLACENS, E2P2, Shanghai, Dr Floryan DE CAMPO, E2P2, Shanghai, Prof. Michel FARINE, ICARE, Wuhan.

Local organizing committees

Prof. ZHANG Wen, Prof ZHANG Kun, Prof. WU Peng (ECNU, Shanghai) Dr Floryan DE CAMPO, Dr Jean-Marc CLACENS (E2P2, Shanghai)

Prof. GU Yanlong, Prof YIN Guochuan, Prof. WAN Qian (HUST, Wuhan) Prof. HU Song, Prof. Michel FARINE, Ms SU Chun (ICARE, Wuhan)

Event organised within the frame of France-Chine 50 - www.france-chine50.com
