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Advanced Training Course on LEED Green Associate accreditation exam

项目背景/Training Background

201311日,国务院办公厅以国办发 〔20131号转发国家发展改革委、住房城乡建设部制订的《绿色建筑行动方案》。该《行动方案》分充分认识开展绿色建筑行动的重要意义,指导思想、主要目标和基本原则,重点任务,保障措施4部分。重点任务是:切实抓好新建建筑节能工作,大力推进既有建筑节能改造,开展城镇供热系统改造,推进可再生能源建筑规模化应用,加强公共建筑节能管理,加快绿色建筑相关技术研发推广,大力发展绿色建材,推动建筑工业化,严格建筑拆除管理程序,推进建筑废弃物资源化利用。


培训目的/Training Objectives

本高级研修班拟引进欧洲的先进培训经验, 以最好的效率帮助学员实现以下培训目的:

ü 理解并支持绿色设计,施工和运营

Understand and support green design, construction, and operations

ü 掌握LEED应用过程及其评级系统的关键内容

Identify the key components of the LEED Application Process and LEED Rating Systems

ü 介绍LEED每个评分条款概念及其有关环境问题

Describe the environmental issues and concepts of each LEED credit category

ü 介绍LEED策略及绿色建筑的成功案例

Describe successful green building and LEED strategies

ü 了解新版LEED v4所做的改进,帮助学员准备LEED认证考试

Recognize the changes of the new LEED v4


邀请西班牙著名的CIRCE能源研究中心( http://www.fcirce.es/ )资深专家和Alberto Jañez与特邀的武汉市建委及华中科技大学有关专家现场授课,交流中欧经验。在西班牙萨拉戈萨大学的支持下,CIRCE成立于1993年,目前已经发展成为能源领域开发创新解决方案并将其产业化的一个欧洲著名研究中心。其总部设在位于埃布罗河旁的萨拉戈萨大学校园内的一个零排放建筑内。2009年以来,CIRCE在比利时的布鲁塞尔设有一个永久的代表处,以便参与欧洲R+D+i 项目,以及在能源领域与主要欧洲机构及网络的互动。

Spanish expert Professor Alberto Jañez from CIRCE Energy Research Center (http://www.fcirce.es/) together with a prominent speaker from Wuhan Municipal Construction Committee who will present the green building standards, their present application issues as well as the overall program development.

CIRCE is a research centre founded in 1993 with the support of the University of Zaragoza, to create and develop innovative solutions and scientific/technical knowledge and transfer them to the business sector in the field of energy. CIRCE has its headquarters in a zero emissions building situated on the River Ebro campus of the University of Zaragoza. Since 2009, CIRCE has had a permanent delegation in Brussels to facilitate participation in European R+D+i projects, as well as interaction with the main networks and European agencies in the energy sector.


学员可选择在周六上午参观获得LEED 认证的工厂与办公大厦,这将会是一个将课程学习与实践融会贯通的绝佳时机。

The participants who wish to stay on Saturday morning will visit a LEED factory with its associated office buildings.

This will be an excellent opportunity to have a practical review of what was learnt during the courses.

申请信息/Application Information



30 persons per class

适合对象 Targeted Audience

准备参加LEED GA考试的建筑师、工程师;适用于正在进行绿色建筑项目的建筑师,项目管理人员。通过该课程的学习,对LEED认证技术体系将有深刻的理解,能系统的把握LEED认证的各个技术要点的内含,实施策略,更加深刻的理解绿色建筑的本质。

Designed for the LEED GA exam participants, architects, engineers, project and quality managers who undertake green building projects. The course will help you gain a deep understanding of the LEED certification system, and grasp the key points for LEED exam both in terms of practical policies enforcement and of the nature of green building.

学习地点 Location


China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy at Huazhong University of Science and Technology

学习时间 Duration


24th-26th September: 3 day Lecture, including a construction material laboratory visit. On 27th September: 1/2 day visit to a LEED certified factory including office buildings for the participants who can stay.

授课模式 Module


Bilingual Lecture + Case study + Visit

学业认证 Certificate


CIRCE and Huazhong University of Science Senior Seminar Certificate



Training costs 1000 yuan / person (including lecture and material fee). Accommodation can be arranged at own expense at the HUST campus guesthouse.

报名咨询热线/Contact Us


电话:027 87559716


Email: feng.man@china-eu-icare.com

培训安排/Course Schedule

924日 星期三

Sep. 24th (Wednesday)

925日 星期四

Sep. 25th (Thursday)

926日 星期五

Sep. 26th (Friday)

课程陈述介绍 Course Presentation Introduction

绿色建筑的基本知识LEED流程(1Green building basics

可持续场地用水效率 Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency


Test (Energy& Atmosphere)


Test (Materials)


Special Report: Green Building Policy Interpretation and Foreseeable Development of Energy Efficiency in Buildings


Energy & Atmosphere Materials

IAQ 创新区域优先协同效应

IAQ Innovation Regional Priority Synergies

绿色建筑的基本知识LEED流程(2Green Building Basics The LEED Process

测试(LEED评级过程)Test (The LEED process)

测试(可持续场地)Test (Sustainable Sites)

测试(用水效率)Test (Water Efficiency)

LEED GA 考试测试(创新)The LEED GA Exam (Innovation)

测试(公共宣传)Test (Public Outreach)

培训内容/Detailed Contents

1. Green Building Policy Interpretation and Foreseeable Development of Energy Efficiency in Buildings in next 5 years国家有关绿色建筑最新政策解读及未来5年发展趋势

2. Current situation and future emphasis of energy-saving and green building projects in Wuhan City武汉市节能及绿色建筑项目发展现状及今后的重点方向

3. Introduction to energy and environmental design certification能源和环保设计认证

Energy consumption of buildings建筑能耗

Environmental impact of buildings建筑物对环境的影响

Energy efficiency standards for buildings建筑物的能源效率标准

Life cycle assessment of buildings建筑物的生命周期评估

4. Green building basics绿色建筑的基本知识

Define green building绿色建筑的定义

Describe the whole building approach介绍整体建筑的方法

Describe Integrated Project Delivery介绍整体项目交付

Define the triple bottom line定义三重底线

5. LEED v4 & the LEED process LEED评级过程

Describe the LEED v4 Rating Systems 介绍LEED v4评级系统

Discuss the LEED Process 讨论LEED评级过程

Identify the foundations of LEED v4 了解LEED v4的升级基础

Explain LEED Project Registration解释LEED项目注册

Describe LEED Project Tools & Resources 介绍LEED项目工具和资源

6. Sustainable sites可持续发展

Define the environmental issues定义有关环境问题

Explain the associated concepts解释相关概念

Describe green building technologies and strategies介绍有关绿色建筑技术和策略

Changes in LEED v4 新版LEED v4所做的改进

7. Water efficiency水的效率

Define the environmental issues 定义有关环境问题

Explain the associated concepts 解释相关概念

Describe green building technologies and strategies 介绍有关绿色建筑技术和策略

Changes in LEED v4 新版LEED v4所做的改进

8. Energy & Atmosphere能源与大气

Define the environmental issues定义有关环境问题

Explain the associated concepts解释相关概念

Describe green building technologies and strategies介绍有关绿色建筑技术和策略

Changes in LEED v4 新版LEED v4所做的改进

9. Materials & Resources材料与资源

Define the environmental issues 定义有关环境问题

Explain the associated concepts 解释相关概念

Describe green building technologies and strategies 介绍有关绿色建筑技术和策略

Changes in LEED v4 新版LEED v4所做的改进

10. Indoor environmental quality室内环境质量

Define the environmental issues定义有关环境问题

Explain the associated concepts解释相关概念

Describe green building technologies and strategies介绍有关绿色建筑技术和策略

Changes in LEED v4 新版LEED v4所做的改进

11. Innovation in design (ID) 设计创新

Define the environmental issues 定义有关环境问题

Explain the associated concepts 解释相关概念

Describe green building technologies and strategies 介绍有关绿色建筑技术和策略

Changes in LEED v4 新版LEED v4所做的改进

12. Regional priority区域优先

Discuss the new additions to LEED讨论LEED新增加的条款

Define the intents of this category定义这一类的内容

13. Synergies协同效应

Define synergies within the whole building approach整体建筑方法中协同效应的定义

Identify negative synergies确定负协同效应

14. LEED Green Associate Exam LEED绿色会员认证测试

Review the Exam Registration Process测试报名流程总结

Discuss the Exam Objectives 测试目的

Questionnaires and Test Questions问卷调查和测试问题
