开展清洁能源讲座 点亮青年绿色梦想
主讲人:Olivier Teller
Olivier Teller 先生,比利时列日大学机械与物理学硕士,拥有英国克兰菲尔德大学的工商管理学硕士学位(MBA),现担任法国公司阿尔斯通集团(Alstom)抽水蓄能电站设备产品总监。他还担任eStorage的项目经理, EASE(欧洲储能协会)、超级电网研究所的董事会成员,美国能源部抽水蓄能峰会咨询委员会的成员,曾在瑞士CERN(欧洲核子委员会)工作了6年,发表了多篇有关水电和新能源的论文。
关键词:抽水蓄能、 新能源
Energy storage: a paramount importance in renewable energies growth
Olivier TELLER: Mr. Olivier Teller holds a master’s degree in Mechanics and Physics from the Universite de Liege in Belgium,and an MBA from Cranfield University in the UK. He is the Product Director of Alstom for Pumped Hydro Storage Plants. Olivier Teller is also the program manager for the eStorage Project In addition, a board member of EASE, Super Grid Institute and a member of the advisory board for the U.S. department of Energy’s Pumped Storage Summit.
Abstract:The development of renewable generation induces a higher variability on the electricity system. The balancing areas have now to cope with uncertainty both form the consumption side and production side. Additional electricity generation flexibility is therefore required. Energy Storage is one of the solutions to bring this flexibility to the network. Pumped Hydro Storage Plant is the only available mature technology providing electricity storage. Alstom Hydro is the market leader for providing pumped hydro storage plants equipment. Alstom has recently equiped most of the new Pumped Hydro Storage plants developed in China and has just inaugurated its world largest hydro equipment manufacturing site in TianJin.
The presentation will address the following topics:
· Alstom activities in China;
· The complementarity between intermittent generation and pumped hydro storage will be explained;
· The latest technology of Variable Speed pumped hydro storage plant will be presented.
Key Words: PumpedHydroStorage, NewEnergy
Language: English
19:00-21:00 p.m. (admission 10 minutes earlier) 27thNov., 2013
217 lecture hall, West 5 Building