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来源: 时间:2013-09-05 17:54:21作者: 点击数:

  开展清洁能源讲座 点亮青年绿色梦想



主讲人:Floryan De Campo

  Floryan De Campo现担任世界著名特种化工公司罗地亚旗下工艺与高效节能产品国际联合研究实验室(E2P2L)主任。他在罗地亚公司拥有超过10年的研究和管理经验,曾负责管理该公司在有机磷产品从可行性研究到工业化应用的多个项目,并成功开发出多种新型工艺。

概要:E2P2L联合实验室成立于2011年底,由全球领先的特种化工公司罗地亚、法国国家科学研究院(CNRS)、华东师范大学和里昂高等师范学院(ENS Lyon)联合创立,坐落于罗地亚上海总部研发中心。E2P2L下设的科学顾问委员会,由催化及可持续化学领域的杰出科学家组成。E2P2L旨在为未来化学科技领域开发创新产品和高效节能的生产工艺,降低对石油的依赖及现有产品对环境造成的影响,特别是温室气体的排放。该实验室当务之急是为化工行业挖掘新的可再生资源,以更有效地处理化学品,这也将是解决环境问题、实现可持续发展的基础。



时间:2013年9月12日(星期四)10:15-11:30 a.m. (请提前10分钟入场)



The “Eco-Efficient Products and Processes” laboratory:

Doing cutting edge research in industry

Floryan De Campo:Director of International Joint Research Laboratory for Eco-Efficient Products and Processes (E2P2L), in Rhodia Company. With more than 10 years research and management experience in Rhodia, he had managed several projects from feasibility to the industrialization of organophosphorus products, and developed several new processes for this company.

Abstract:E2P2L is international joint research collaboration between the French National Center for Scientific Research, Rhodia, the Ecole Normale Superieure of Lyon and the East China Normal University and is based at Rhodia’s research center in Shanghai. The team aims to invent chemistry and catalysis that can reduce the environmental impact of existing products or processes and especially greenhouse gas emissions. It is imperative for the chemical industry to tap new renewable resource that can be processed efficiently into chemicals, which will also be the base of many sustainable solutions for the environment.

The lab may develop further partnerships with Chinese universities and industrial companies. Come to the conference, you will have nice opportunity to understand how high level research is managed in companies, as well as the opportunity to participate this unique lab as common projects researchers, interns, or Ph.D candidates.

10:15-11:30 a.m. (admission 10 minutes earlier)

12th Sept, 2013

217 lecture hall, West 5 Building
