开展清洁能源讲座 点亮青年绿色梦想
主讲人:Alexandre Taithe
Alexandre Taithe博士自2007年起持续担任法国战略研究基金会(FRS)研究员,一直专注于环境与安全之间联系的研究,特别是在淡水管理(国内以及州际之间的紧张局势;能源,农业和水资源之间的联系)以及气候变化(地缘政治学问题,减缓温室气体排放)等领域贡献卓著。Alexandre Taithe博士还先后在法国三所大学担任教学工作:圣康丁市的凡尔赛大学、波城大学、以及巴黎天主教大学。
概要:本场讲座中,Alexandre Taithe博士将结合其在法国战略研究基金会工作的经历,重点和大家探讨水资源管理、农业、环境政策、环境与安全的关系(气候变化、污染与环境恶化)等问题。
时间:2013年10月21日(星期一)18:30-20:00 讲座 20:00-21:30 电影

Complicated Relations of Energy, Agriculture and Water
Alexandre TAITHE:Dr. Alexandre Taithe is a research fellow at the Foundation for strategic research (FRS) since 2007. He focuses on the link between Environment and Security. He is especially working on freshwater management (domestic and interstates tensions, link among energy, agriculture and water) and Climate Change (geostrategic issues, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions). He was or is currently teaching in the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, the University of “Pau et des Pays de l’Adour”, and in the Catholic University of Paris.
Abstract: In his conference,Dr. Alexandre Taithe will analyze the relations of water management, agriculture, environmental policy, environmental & security (climate change, pollution and environmental degradation) and other issues, based on his experience when working in Foundation for strategic research (FRS).
After the speech, there will be a film《Océans》showed,which was directed by the famous French director Jacques Simonet and is an amazing ecology documentary themed of environmental protection. Welcome for your coming.
18:30-20:00 Lecture 20:00-21:30 Movie, 21st Oct, 2013
217 lecture hall, West 5 Building
This conference is supported by French Embassy in China and French Consulate General in Wuhan!