开展清洁能源讲座 点亮青年绿色梦想
主讲人:Denis Bortzmeyer
Denis Bortzmeyer先生,法国阿珂玛(Arkema)集团驻中国研发中心总监,巴黎高等矿业大学陶瓷粉体连续介质力学专业博士。他曾在法国最大的化工企业罗纳-普朗克(Rhône-Poulenc)公司工作了十年,并获得颗粒材料学专业、理论与连续介质力学的特许任教资格。1999年加盟法国阿珂玛化学公司,主管研发中心对外合作事务,2012年担任阿珂玛驻中国研发中心总监。法国阿科玛集团是一家全球领先的化学品生产企业,也是有机过氧化物生产商之领导者。
关键词:太阳能电池 新材料
New Materials for the Renewable Energy Market
Denis BORTZMEYER: Director of Research and Development Center of Arkema in China, Ph.D at Ecole des Mines de Paris in continuum mechanics of ceramic powders. He worked ten years with the chemical group Rhône-Poulenc and during this time he got his habilitation to supervise research (granular material, continuum mechanics). In 1999 he joined Atochem, now Arkema, and supervised all collaborative R&D programs and partnerships, between Arkema and academic laboratories or other private companies. In 2012, he went to China in order to build and manage the new Research Center of Arkema in Asia.
Abstract: Today, in order to develop new batteries, more powerful or with a higher energy density, the focus is usually put on the active phase. Now battery and solar cells manufacturers have to face the everlasting trend towards higher voltages and the improvement of safety. Hence the demand on higher quality materials that protect the active phase is increasing. As a consequence, new materials and new technologies have emerged in this area.
The conference aims to present the new material field for Renewable Energy Market on the following topics:
Ø The contribution of an innovative chemical company in the area of renewable energy sources (precisely, batteries and solar cells).
Ø How new materials can indeed provide a competitive edge to the device supplier.
Key Words: Solar Cells, New Material
Language: English
14:30-16:30 p.m. (admission 10 minutes earlier) 25th Oct, 2013
217 lecture hall, West 5 Building