On August 24th, 2018 ICARE-Oxford International Summer Camp was held at Room 210, West 5 Building. Professor Hu Song director of ICARE Research Center, Ms. Liu Yang director of ICARE Education Center, Oxford students and ICARE volunteers participated in this closing ceremony.The closing ceremony was hosted by Tong Changheng from ICARE Class 2017.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Ms. Liu Yang highly praised the academic literacy of Oxford students and the enthusiasticof ICARE volunteers, and congratulated Summer Camp on its success.

Subsequently, Oxford students made oral reports on the academic progress made under the guidance of their Chinese supervisors during the summer camp.

Prof. Hu Song made comments on the contents of Oxford students' report.

ICARE and Oxford students had a discussion on academic issues.

Finally, Ms. Liu Yang granted certificates to Oxford students. The ICARE-Oxford International Summer Camp is an important bridge for cultural exchange between Huazhong University of Science and University of Oxford. It is also an important carrier for mutual understanding between Chinese and British people. Since 2013, more than 110 Oxford students have applied and 50 students have actually participated in this project.