• Institute activities
Delegation of MINES Paristech and Paristech Visited ICARE
Source: Release:2019-04-08 17:18:18 Writer: Hits:

A delegation composed of MINES Paristech’s director, Mr. Vincent Laflèche , Paristech’s president, Mr. Christian Lerminiaux , deputy director of MINES Paristech International relations, Ms. Alma Catala Luna, Director of ParisTech representation in China, Mr. Sylvain Ferrari, visited ICARE on April 1st 2019. ICARE European dean Prof. Michel Farine, Chinese vice dean Mr. Yi Hui, education center director Ms. Liuyang, secretary of ICARE Chinese dean Ms. Xie Chunhua warmly welcomed them.


With the lead of Mr. Yi Hui, the delegation visited ICARE office area, laboratory and classrooms. Mr. Vincent Laflèche and Mr. Christian Lerminiaux expressed their strong interest for such a muti-cultural  institute. They also had a short interaction with two Spanish professors from Zaragoza and class 2018 students. Later They also had the pleasure to see the construction site of the new building dedicated to New Energy where ICARE institute should move in 2020.