• Institute activities
The fifth General Assembly of the Global Governance Association was successfully held
Source: Release:2022-07-11 15:44:17 Writer: Hits:

The fifth General Meeting of the Global Governance Association of ICARE was held in the West Fifth Teaching Building on July 7, 2022.


The conference was attended by Dr. Zou Mingqing, the Vice Dean, Ms. Liu Yang, the Director of the Education Center, Dr. Zheng Jing, Advisor of Global Governance Association, and new members of the association.


The first event of the conference, Dr. Zou Ming Qing delivered the opening speech. First of all, he expressed his sincere wishes to the successful convening of the fifth General Assembly, affirmed the excellent results achieved by the association, and thanked all the members of the association for their hard work. He stressed that the association has provided a good platform for students to communicate with the outside world and facilitated the cooperation between the university and international organizations. The influence of the association should be further expanded in the future. Dr. Zou believes that the association will undertake more tasks of talent training for international organizations, tell the Chinese story well under the background of "Double Carbon", provide follow-up services and support to students who have previously participated in internship in international organizations, invite them to share internship experience in international organizations, and form a good double-way feedback channel. In the future, the association will provide more opportunities for students to form a long-term talent pipeline.


Then, Ms. Liu Yang shared the original intention of the association and its development process. She thought ICARE is the most suitable ground to practice of global governance and the development of green energy. Members of the association can learn in the process of work on the theme of green energy development and practice. In the process of communication, the association can also drive the surrounding students to pay attention to this topic, expand the influence, and attract more people to participate in the cause of green energy development. The intangible influence of our work is immeasurable.


The President of the Fifth Global Governance Association Mr. Lin chen delivered a speech, which reviewed the activities held by the association in the past and the achievements that has been achieved.


In the end, Dr. Zheng Jing announced the successful conclusion of this event.