• Institute activities
The 2022 HUST-Oxford Summer Camp was successfully held in ICARE
Source: Release:2022-08-24 16:12:08 Writer: Hits:

From June 29 to August 5, the 2022 HUST-Oxford Summer Camp was successfully held in ICARE. Ten undergraduates from the University of Oxford joined the relevant research group to carry out online internship and successfully completed their courses.


This summer camp was held online for the first time. Under the coordination of ICARE’s education center, there are six Chinese supervisors, eight volunteers to participate the event. The internships provided in the summer camp are mainly focused on the biomass and solar technology, CO2 capture and utilization, robotics and automation technology, energy economy and life cycle analysis, building energy efficiency and cooling technology and other popular research direction in the field of new energy.


Since 2013, the HUST-Oxford University Summer Camp has successfully held 8 times, with 197 Oxford students applying and 66 students actually participating. In the future, ICARE will continue to make great efforts to hold this event, so as to make it an important bridge for cultural exchanges between the two universities and an important carrier for promoting mutual understanding between Chinese and British people, and further enhance the international influence and reputation of ICARE.