• Course description
Energy Conversion and Grid Energy Control
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COURSE TITLE: Energy conversion I

Introduction to the Course/课程介绍:

This Course is divided in two separated parts:

l  Small Hydro

l  Environmental Technologies for renewable and Clean energy production


Course Aims/课程目标: The aims of this Course are:

·         Current development of hydro energy and perspectives. Hydro potential, hydrologic cycle and models. Flow duration curves. Extreme values of flow rate. Civil engineering works: dams, weirs, spillways, still basin, intake structures, open channels, penstock. Electromechanical equipment: hydraulic turbines, selection, operating characteristics, electrical generators. Power house lay-out. Energy calculation, Environmental impacts. Economics)

·         Introduction to atmospheric pollution (natural and anthropogenic pollutants, environmental impact, air quality standards). Atmospheric dispersion and transport (meteorology and ground level concentration calculations). Technology of pollution control equipment (focus on particulates and dust). Project: to calculate concentration levels, depending on atmospheric conditions, downstream of a stack - point source.

·         Introduction to Noise (definition, linear acoustics, measurement, metrics, assessment). Production of Aerodynamic Sound (wave equation, types of aerodynamic sound sources, rotating rotors, wind turbine noise). Sound propagation in the atmosphere (Basic definitions, attenuation mechanisms, ray theory, application on wind turbines). Project : to calculate noise levels around a wind farm

Learning Outcomes/学习结果

By the end of this Course students should have gained:

·         Knowledge and Understanding/知识理解: Small hydro design, hydrology, hydro turbines, energy calculation and economic assessment. Atmospheric pollution issues, Fundamentals on noise, Production of aerodynamic noise, Attenuation factors in noise propagation, Pollution control technologies,

·         Intellectual Skills/智力技能:

·         Professional Practice Skills/专业技能: Design of small hydro, selection of hydro turbines. Assessment of concentration levels downstream of a smoke stack. Calculation of noise levels around a wind farm.



COURSE TITLE: Energy Conversion and Grid Energy Control II

Introduction to the Course/课程介绍:

1st Week: (Georgios Caralis, Dimitrios Papantonis)

This Course provides an introduction to hydro energy, Hydrology, Design of Small Hydro,Civil engineering work,ydro turbines,Economic Analysis.



2nd Week:( Dimitris Bouris, John Propathopoulos)

This Course provides an introduction to atmospheric pollution, Meteorology for Atmospheric Dispersion, meteorology-Velocity Distributions, meteorology-Velocity Distributions, Stack Plume Rise,Fundamentals on Sound, Production of Aerodynamic Sound,Pollutant Dispersion.


3-4 weeks:(Ghanim Putrus and Edward Bentely)

This Course provides an introduction to energy conversion systems, power electronics and an in-depth analysis of grid integration of renewable energy sources in addition to basic modelling techniques. It covers power electronics devices and converters, electrical machines, grid integration of renewable energy generation, quality of electrical power supply and future electricity supply (smart grids).



Course Aims/课程目标: The aims of this Course are to:

·         Introduce energy conversion, electro-mechanical systems and modeling concepts.

·         Evaluate renewable energy source technologies when operating in stand-alone and small grid-connected configurations.

·         Study power electronics devices and their application in electric power and renewable energy sources control and interphase to the grid.

·         Develop knowledge and understanding of new concepts in power systems, such as distributed generation, integration of renewable energy sources, quality of supply and smart grids.


Learning Outcomes/学习结果

By the end of this Course students should have gained:

·         Knowledge and understanding of energy conversion systems, power electronic devices and converters, modern power systems, electrical power quality and quality of supply, connection of renewable energy sources and their integration into power networks.

·         Intellectual Skills in using appropriate procedures to model and design a particular power electronics system. Also design of simple power networks incorporating different types of components and analyse their performance.

·         Professional Practice Skills in applying fundamental principles and techniques to produce creative solutions for modern electrical power systems.

·         Transferable Skills to effectively communicate information, ideas, problems and their solutions.


Course Book/主要参考书目

·         Rashid, M.H. " Power Electronics: circuits, devices and applications", Pearson 2014.

·         Jenkins N., Strbac G. and Ekanayake J., “Distributed Generation”, IET, London, UK, 2010

·         Putrus G. and Bentley E., “Integration of Distributed Renewable Energy Systems into the Smart Grid” a chapter in a book “Electric Renewable Energy Systems” edited by Muhammad H. Rashid, published by Elsevier, January 2016.

·         Bollen, M.H.J.: “Understanding power quality problems: voltage sags and interruptions” IEEE Press, 2000.

·         Luo, Fang Lin, and Ye, Hong. Renewable Energy Systems. 1st ed., CRC Press, 2013.


Teaching Methods/教学方法

Live and recorded Power Point presentations through Zoom and continuous interaction with students via emails, Zoom and question & answer seminars. Handouts and/or PPP printout are shared with students together with associated exercises and examples.



The lectures introduce the theory of energy conversion, power balance, power electronics, electrical machines and power network operation and control. Analytical and design procedures together with exercises are thoroughly investigated.


In question & answer seminars, exercises and examples of system design and analysis are discussed in addition to introducing practical applications. These give the opportunity to develop student skills and experience in problem solving.


Schedule /教学计划

16H teaching hour in a week.




Close book exam paper to cover all the topics taught in the course. The paper includes six questions and students are required to answer four questions only in 2 hours.


Grading System*/评分标准







Outstanding performance


Very Good

Performance is considerably above average



More than average performance



Performance meets the minimum standards

Below 60


Due to considerable deficiencies, performance does not meet the requirements