COURSE TITLE : Fundamentals of Electricity for Renewables
Introduction to the Course/课程介绍:
This Course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of electricity generation and supply, renewable energy systems, electrical circuit components and analysis in addition to electrical power networks’ components, analysis and basics of low voltage power systems analysis, protection and earthing.
Course Aims/课程目标: The aims of this Course are to:
· Study basics of electricity generation, with focus on renewable energy.
· Develop knowledge and understanding of the main components of electrical systems
· Study circuit theory and network analysis techniques
· Introduce principles of electrical power system components, analysis, protection and earthing.
Learning Outcomes/学习结果
By the end of this Course students should have gained:
· Knowledge and Understanding: Theory and principle of operation of different components of electrical circuit and electricity generating plants/systems, including generation from renewable energy resources.
· Intellectual Skills: Formulate techniques and evaluate appropriate procedures for analysis of electrical circuits and energy systems.
· Professional Practice Skills: Apply theory, fundamental principles and techniques to produce solutions for real life applications of electrical renewable energy systems.
· Transferable Skills: Professional and personal development through independent learning, efficient time management and effectively communicate information, ideas and arguments.