• Course description
可再生能源基础理论Theoretical Fundamentals of Renewable Energy
Source: Release:2025-01-06 08:01:20 Writer: Hits:

中欧清洁与可再生能源学院 学院(系) 全中文 课程教学大纲

Course Description of China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy

Teaching Language: Chinese


课程名称(Course Name):可再生能源基础理论(Theoretical Fundamentals of Renewable Energy)


课程大纲 (Course outline ):


第一章:热力学基础(太阳能热利用)(Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (Solar Heat Utilization) (8 study hours))

§1.1      热力学基本概念(Basic Concepts of thermodynamics)


§1.2      热力学基本定律(Fundamental Laws of thermodynamics)


§1.3      郎肯循环与 CSP(水、氨、有机工质)(Rankine cycle and CSP (water, ammonia, organic working medium)


§1.4      斯特林循环与太阳能发电(Sterling Cycle and Solar power)



§1.5      热电冷多联供热力循环(含地源热泵)(Thermoelectric cold multi-supply heat cycle (including geothermal heat pump)


第二章:流体力学基础(Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (8 study hours))


§2.1      流体力学与流体工程基础(Fundamentals of fluid Mechanics and fluid Engineering)


§2.2      流体机械中的能量转化原理(Principles of energy conversion in fluid machinery)


第三章::风能利用技术(Chapter 3: Wind Energy Utilization Technology (8 study hours))


§3.1      风力资源及评估(Wind resources and assessment)


§3.2 叶轮的气动原理(Pneumatic principle of impeller)


§3.3      结构与并网技术(Structure and grid-connection technology)


§3.4      现状及其发展趋势(Status quo and trends)


第四章:电子与电力学基础(Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Electronics and Electricity (8 study hours)


§4.1      现状及其发展趋势(Current situation and trends)


§4.2      风电发电机原理简介(Introduction to the principle of wind power generator)


§4.3 逆变器原理(Inverter principles)


§4.4      发电与并网(Power generation and grid connection)


第五章: 传热学基础 (Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Heat Transfer (8 study hours))


§5.1      基本原理(Rationale)


§5.2      太阳能的热储存(Thermal storage of solar energy)


§5.3      蒸汽发生器的基本知识(Basic knowledge of steam generators)


第六章:能源经济基础 (Chapter 6: Fundamentals of Energy Economics (8 study hours))


§6.1      能源经济基础(Fundamentals of energy economy)


§6.2      能源系统技术经济效果的评价方法(Methods for evaluating the technical and economic effects of energy systems)


§6.3      能源有效利用的分析方法(Analytical methods for efficient use of energy)