On October 18th 2016, Scientific Adviser of French embassy to China Pierre Lemonde, scientific attaché of French consulate general in Wuhan Philippe Maurin and assistant Mrs.Li Shanshan visited ICARE. Exective director Mr. Liu Junhua, deputy director Mr.He Gang and Mrs. Zheng Jing from HUST international office, ICARE Chinese co-dean Prof. Luo Xiaobing, European co-dean Prof. Michel Farine and all ICARE staffs attended the meeting.

Mrs. Zheng Jing welcomed guests on behalf of HUST. ICARE European co-dean Prof. Michel Farine introduced ICARE institute, development in recent years as well as cooperation and exchange with Mines-Paristech and other partner universities. Mr. Liu Junhua expressed his gratitude to French Consulate General in Wuhan for their constant support. He said that cooperation and exchanges between the two sides are important basis for the development of ICARE institute and an important window for China-EU bilateral cooperation in the field of new energy. He hoped that the two sides could maintain good communication, and further contribute to Sino-French cooperation and development in such areas as education and science and technology. Prof. Luo Xiaobing made a presentation on the future development of ICARE. Mr. Pierre Lemonde expressed his wishes for the sustainability of ICARE as he pointed out that clean and renewable energy is a major aspect of China-EU cooperation. ICARE is also an important component of cultural exchange between China and France. He stressed that French Embassy will continue to support ICARE institute activities. He also encouraged ICARE students to actively participate in summer schools organized each year in France by French Embassy scientific service and in the upcoming French Innovation Day in December.