• Institute activities
Indonesian biodiesel experts visitedICARE
Source: Release:2017-05-27 09:37:26 Writer: Hits:177

  On the morning of May 17th, Dr. RatnaDewiKusumaningtyasand her colleague Mr. Farid Ahmadi from UniversitasNegeri Semarang Indonesia visited ICARE accompanied by Yu Zheng from School of International Education HUST. ChineseProf. Yan Yunjun, Prof. Yang Haiping,AssociateProf. Wang yi, Malaysian exchange scholar SHAFEI Saaed, as well as Ms. Liu Yang, Mr. Li Zhi tian from ICARE welcomed them.






  At the symposium, participants from both sides briefed themselves on their academic background and scientific research. Then Dr. Kusumaningtyasmade a presentation on biomass diesel distillation technology. In the subsequent discussion, Chinese professors expressed interest in her scientific research and discussed the possibility of future cooperation in research and project applications.


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