On March 4th to 6th, the first training on Green Building and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification was held in our institute. This time ICARE invited the Sustainable Building Research Group Leader Mr. Ignacio Zabalza and Project manager Mr. Alberto Jáñez from CIRCE, Zaragoza University, as European trainers. Mr. XU Haiqing, Director of Construction Project in Wuhan Urban and Rural Construction Commission was also invited as Chinese trainer. Nearly 60 trainees from China Energy Research Society, China Quality Certification Center, Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co, .Ltd, CITIC General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd, and professors, students from School of Architecture and Urban Planning in HUST, listened to the course.

During the training, the two Spanish trainers introduced green building concept and the related sustainable site test, water efficiency test, energy & atmosphere, materials & resource, indoor environmental quality, innovation in design and so on. They also explained the life cycle assessment methodology applied to buildings and the LEED certification exam in details. In the last lesson, Mr. Alberto Jáñez showed Dockside Green, a famous green building case, to reinforce the strategies and concepts presented for all trainees. The Dockside Green is the first community ever to target LEED Platinum certification for buildings developed in a master planned community, which is located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on 15-acres of former industrial land on the city’s inner harbor. It is the largest re-development of city land in Victoria’s history.

Mr. Ignacio Zabalza

Mr. Alberto Jáñez
Dr. XU Haiqing presented the policy and future development on energy efficiency and green building. He also explained the latest national & provincial policy and the current development of green building, then made a profound predictive interpretation of green building development trends in the coming five years in Wuhan, such as low carbon eco-town, renewable energy building application in large-scale, energy efficiency public notification, public building energy saving monitoring system, and so on.

Dr. XU Haiqing
With the development of building industrialization, more policies related to building energy saving were made to apply renewable energy building in large-scale, to develop green building and promote construction waste resource utilization. Meanwhile, Europe is ahead of China on energy saving and green building development. Holding this kind of training is helpful for the Chinese engineers and managers to understand and support green building design, construct and operate technology, as well as the LEED.

About the Spanish trainers:
Ignacio Zabalza
Industrial Engineer and PhD (University of Zaragoza-Spain)
Director of the CIRCE Research Group “Sustainable Building” - Energy Efficiency Area
Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department (University of Zaragoza-Spain)
Director of Master “Energy Efficiency in Buildings” (University of Zaragoza-Spain)
Alberto Jáñez
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineer (University of León-Spain)
M.Sc. Ecodesign and Energy Efficiency in Buildings (University of Zaragoza-Spain)
Experience in Energy-HVAC consultant/engineer focused on the design of HVAC installations, indoor climate, energy & environmental analysis and RES integration in buildings
Project Manager in the CIRCE Research Group “Sustainable Building” - Energy Efficiency Area.
Participation in European projects (FP7, Interreg, etc.)