Prof.LIU Jianping, an officer from Department of Policies and Laws in NationalEnergy Administration, paid a visit to ICARE, and delivered a conferenceentitled “Evolution of civilization and energy replacement” in the morning ofJune 22.

In the conference, Prof. LIU gave out general but vividintroduction about the change of energy. He thinks that intelligent use ofenergy could become the dawn of future. The conference also talked about the environment,science and human civilization development. Then he summarized the objective regulationof the civilization evolution and energy replacement as well as their blueprints.
After the lecture, Prof. LIU Jianping was engaged as a Part-timeprofessor in ICARE.
Biography ofProf. LIU Jianping:
Prof. Liu did a doctorate in industrial economics and a masterof Labor Economics in Renmin University of China and post doctororal of EnvironmentalScience and Engineering in Chinese Academy of Sciences. He studied in the UKand received Master of Electronic Commerce. LIU had engaged in human resources,financial assets, and market supervision work in the Ministry of Finance, StateAdministration for Industry & Commerce, State Electricity RegulatoryCommission and other departments. Now LIU holds a position in Department ofPolicies and Laws, National Energy Administration, and he is also a researcher& doctor tutor in Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy ofSciences.