On June 23rd,Mr. LI Renjie, President-General of Industrial Bank visited ICARE and delivereda lecture entitled “Understanding the National Banking” in the 7th “Forumof Clean & Renewable Energy” and the 197th “Science Spirit &Practice Lecture”.

Generally speaking, themanagement of banking industry is superior to the average market level. In thepast golden decade, banking industry won great profits due to the rapideconomical development. However, there is also challenge: the economy developmentis slowing down, no monopoly in banking industry, and profit of the corporatecustomers is declining, etc. In his opinion, the main solution is to extend businessto small enterprises and retail. The bank could also explore new business such aswealth management, asset management and so on. In the case of Industrial Bank, itexplored service to energy and emission reduction, carbon emissions trading,for example, setting up green channels to loan of energy and emission reduction,which is pioneer action on carbon finance field.
After the conference,Mr.LI Renjie and his subordinates from Hubei Industrial Banks communicated withICARE staffs and professors from College of Public Administrationon energy finance and potential collaboration.
Biography of LI Renjie
Mr.Li was born in March 1955. He is a senior economist, maker of national brand,advocate of EPs bank, pioneer of bank brand operation as well. He stepped intobank industry in 1982 by working in Fujian Branch of People's Bank of China. In1988, he joined Industry Bank as the president of Shenzhen Branch. He wasassigned as the President General of Industry Bank in 2002.