• Institute activities
Alstom Product Director spoke about pumped hydro storage
Source: Release:2013-12-02 10:02:31 Writer: Hits:

At present, the development of large quantities of intermittent renewable generation induces a higher variability on the electricity system. The national grids have now to cope with uncertainty both for on the consumption side and production side. Additional electricity generation flexibility is therefore required. “Energy Storage is one of the solutions to bring this flexibility to the network. Pumped Hydro Storage Plant is the only available mature technology providing electricity storage at the electricity transmission system scale (GW range storage).” said Mr. Oliver Teller, Product Director for Pumped Hydro Storage Plants at Alstom in his conference in ICARE on November 27th.



To illustrate this technology, Mr. Oliver Teller explained the complementarity between intermittent generation and pumped hydro storage, the change of operation pattern of Pumped Hydro Storage plant from a Nuclear mix to an energy mix with intermittent renewable with European and international examples.



As expert from Alstom, Mr. Oliver Teller then showed Alstom’s achievements in this field. Alstom Hydro is the market leader for providing pumped hydro storage plants equipment. It has recently equipped most of the new Pumped Hydro Storage plants developed in China and has just inaugurated its world largest hydro equipment manufacturing site in TianJin. Along with this manufacture Alstom has installed a new R&D centre that will be dedicated to develop products for the Chinese market.



Mr. Oliver Teller also introduced Alstom Group and its activities in China. This group operates in three main business areas: Power generation, Rail transport, and Transmission, and plays global leader role. Alstom China offers comprehensive rail transport, power generation as well as transmission solutions and is a long-term dedicated partner of China’s rail transport, power and transmission infrastructure industry. It has already been strongly involved in the Chinese market for more than 50 years.

Biography of Mr. Oliver Teller

Olivier Teller holds a master’s degree in Mechanics and Physics from the Universite de Liege in Belgium (1993). He also has an MBA from Cranfield University in the UK (2008).

He has played a key role in various projects at Alstom such as the first upgrade of a conventional pumped hydro storage plant to variable speed and the development of a pumped storage plant that uses sea water.

He is also the program manager for the eStorage Project, a European Commission funded energy storage research initiative. In addition, he is a board member of EASE (European association for the storage of energy), Super Grid Institute (Public Private Partnerships to develop the technologies of the future super grid). He has also been a member of the advisory board for the U.S. department of Energy’s Pumped Storage Summit.

Prior to working at Alstom, Olivier Teller worked for CERN in Switzerland for six years where he coordinated an international team of physicists and implemented risk management strategies.


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