Organized by Mr. Michel Aublant, ICARE European executive director, Mr. Bruno Peuportier, Senior Scientist of École des Mines de Paris, who was giving Thermal Efficiency course to in our institute, visited Constructing Energy Efficiency Office of Wuhan Construction Committee (WCC) on December 12th. He had a meeting with Mr. XU Haiqing, Chief of Energy Saving Technologies for Buildings section. Prof. HU Song and Prof. LI Bin also attended.

Dr. Bruno Peuportier is a leader of the Inhabitations Ecological Design Team in Energy Efficiency Systems Center and has rich research experience in construction energy conservation field. In the meeting he introduced the achievement of his team on sustainable urbanism, development of construction energy conservation software and its engineering application. Mr. XU Haiqing showed interested and discussed technical and cost problems with Dr. Bruno Peuportier. WCC is launching cooperation with universities, which means a chance to Ecole des Mines. Mr. XU Haiqing also mentioned that the 7th Wuhan International Green Building Technology Product Expo will be held in March 2014. All research institutes related to building in Hubei province will take part in the expo. Dr. Bruno Peuportier and his colleagues are invited.