On December 5th, a delegation of European countries, headed by Mr. Philippe Vialatte, Counsellor of Science, Technology and Environment Section, EU Delegation in China, visited ICARE at the initiative of Mr. Marc Bondiou, Attache for Science and Technology at the French Consulate in Wuhan. In addition to Mr. Philippe Vialatte and Mr. Marc Bondiou, the delegation members were Ms. Aurélie Manneback, Culture and Education Project Manager from Wallonie Bruxelles International, Mr. Plinio Innocenzi, Science and Technology Counsellor of Italian Embassy, Ms. Serena Pontoglio, Project Adviser, European Research Council in China and Mr. Jacques De Soyres, EURAXESS Links China information officer.
Mr. He Gang, Deputy Director of HUST International Cooperation Office, addressed firstly by introducing Wuhan HuaZhong university of Science&Technology, stressing international cooperations, in particular with Europe, and high level research laboratories as WNLO and CCSKL. As a major transportation hub, Wuhan has advantages on location, as well as developed industry, and competitiveness on higher education. Prof. Michel Farine, ICARE European Co-Dean, gave a presentation of ICARE master programme, research and vocational training platforms. Discussions followed between the delegation, Prof. Huang Shuhong, Chinese Co-dean, Prof Farine and Hu Song, director of research platform, on ways to develop an adapted research in ICARE using European programmes and science and technology section in embassies of ICARE partner countries.
Ms Li Shanshan, assistant of Attache for Science and Technology at French Consulate in Wuhan, Mr. Hu Liang and Ms Tong Bo, staffs of HUST International Cooperation Office respectively for cooperation with Germany and France, and ICARE staff Ms Cheng Sha also participated in the meeting.