on May 27 at ICARE, Mr. Jean-MarieBOTTE, from Total Professors Association, delivered a conference entitled “Biofuels: an answer to theenergy challenges?”

Mr. BOTTE started with the social and environmentalproblems caused by the utilization of traditional energy, such as globalwarming, air pollution and pointed out that the consumptions of biofuels willsubstantially increase after 2015, including in China, where it will grow ofabout 6%.The 1st generation of biofuels comes from agriculturalsurpluses, such as the sugar straw and the sunflower. From sugar straw,gasoline, ethanol, ETBE and many others products can be obtained. Then hefocused on “bioethanol” and introduced its characteristics, industrialapplications, production process, as well as its negative impacts on to landuse.

The 2nd generation of biofuels is obtainedfrom various types of biomass. Mr. BOTTE described the conversion oflignocellulosic biomass by thermochemical and biochemical pathways. Heintroduced some data for China such as the 8 pilot demonstration plants and thedevelopment of aviation fuels from Jatropha, etc.

The 3rd generation of biofuels, algae,especially marine macroalgae and seaweeds seems promising for the future.Compared with terrestrial biomass, aquatic biomass has more advantages such asno need for arable land.
Before the conference, Mr. BOTTE visited the State KeyLaboratory of Coal Combustion in HUST and had exchange with ICARE team.