In the evening of May 31, about 60 Entrepreneurs and CEOs from Xianning city, in a senior executive training class in HUST, visited ICARE. Our continuing education center organized a conference on “Project developments and investment opportunities in renewable energy industries” and invited Mr. QIU Zhuxian, Chief Engineer of Wuhan Rixin Technology Group, and Mr. WANG Yuhui, Chief Designer of Hubei Electric Power Survey & Design Institute as lecturers for the delegations.

Mr. QIU had led and operated several Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) projects, so he focused his lecture on this topic, from theory to application, as well as on laws and subsidy regulations. On one hand, he said, “PV is the most suitable energy for distributed generation, while it receiving policy support”, and at present BIPV has large market share. On the other hand, energy consumption from buildings accounts for 1/3 among the total energy consumption in China. As a result, BIPV is a promising industry. The delegation showed his great interest by asking questions on the application link, such as project approval process, capital investment recovery, etc.

Afterwards, Mr. WANG gave a talk on hybrid energy systems using wind energy, solar energy and biomass energy. Referring to the reality of global energy shortages, the third Industrial Revolution can be taken as the "energy and information distribution" revolution. He also presented the energy distribution, energy storage technologies, the way to deal with hostile environment, etc. in Hubei Province, on the basis of long-term research of Hubei Electric Power Survey & Design Institute.