In the morning of June 5th,Pr. Michel FARINE, ICARE European Dean, Mrs. LIU Yang, Director of ICAREEducation Centre visited School of Energy Science and Engineering (SESE) inCentral South University (CSU), Changsha, Hunan Province, with other two ICARE staffs, Ms. SU Chun, ICARE European Dean Assistant and Ms. LIU Lei,Educational center assistant. They were friendly welcomed by Mr. DUANZeming, Party Committee Secretary of SESE, Pr. LIAO Shengming, Dean of SESE,Pr. ZHOU Naijun, Vice Dean of SESE, Pr. ZHOU Jicheng, Director of theDepartment of New Energy Science and Engineering (NESE) of SESE, and Associate Professor RAO Zhenghua, etc. The two sides exchangedopinions on the situation of NESE.

Engineering. The department ofNew Energy Science& Engineering was established in 2010, and is one of thefirst departments in new energy field approved by Ministry ofEducation. The first I ntake was in September 2010. By now there aretotally 90 students in 3 Classes. The other two specialties are also involvedinto the new energy teaching and research.

In the afternoon, anenrollment teach-in was given by ICARE, with nearly 100 teachers and studentsaudience from SESE. Prof. FARINE introduced ICARE institute offer in education,vocational training and research and showed through an analysis of China energyconsumption, as well as the trend of new energy installed power for the nextyears that there will be a big need of specialists in Clean and RenewableEnergy. Mrs. LIU Yang then gave a detailed presentation of ICARE masterprogramme. The students showed high interest for the master programme and askedmany questions after speeches. ICARE master programmecompensates for the postgraduates’ need for master education. What’s more, the EU added-value to ICARE makes this programme uniqueand very attractive.