For once, the continuing education on solar PV of June 18th to 20th, 2013 was organised in Shanghai. ICARE in Wuhan and IFCIM in Shanghai joined hands to propose this training close to the solar clusters of Shanghai and Jiangsu.
80 % of the trainees came from Shanghai Aerospace Automobile Electromechanical, one of the fast growing solar farms contractor in East China. The training covered engineering, construction and monitoring of 10kWp to some MWp solar plants.
The training covered notably the current status of the industry, solar radiations characterization, cells and modules technologies and performance, inverters, BIPV integration techniques, selection and sizing of AC and DC components, applicable standards on China projects, protection, system performance evaluation and a case study of a 10 MWp project commissioned in China.
With extensive field experience in solar PV, the French based Transenergie, mandated by ParisTech performed the training, with the support of Pr. LI Bin of ICARE.