What a big chance for the 6 ICARE students from class 2013, who were selected to do a 1-year study in the REST programme in Polytechnique: Ms.YUSUFF Khadijat Mosunmola, Ola for short, studying the art of teaching French language to foreigners (FLE) in Strasbourg university is now in ICARE! Ola will teach them the basic of French language to be sure they will reach Ecole Polytechnique after landing in Charles de Gaulle airport.
Ola is not a run-of-the-mill teacher. Her motherland is Nigeria, the biggest and most populated country in Africa. But there is more. Ola is since her earliest youth swimming in an ocean of languages. Nigeria has four official languages (she knows them all!) and more than 500 others are talked all through the country. Studying with her is quite a blessing, so everyone wants her. Ola is mainly a guest lecturer in the Sino-French class of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and she also teaches in Wuhan University!
Thanks to French consulate general in Wuhan and O șe Ola!