Organized by Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and TeachersCollege in Columbia University, the “Sino-Foreign Cooperation in RunningSchools” Forum: Quality Assurance System Construction and Development Conference” took place in Dalian, Liaoning Province, on June 14th -15th. Mrs. LIU Yang, Director of ICARE Education Centre and her assistant Ms. LIU Lei as well as Ms. CHANG Xuejiao, ICARE Administrative staff,were invited to attend this conference. Mrs. LIU Yang gave a presentation of ICARE institute to attendees from Ministry of Education, Education department of Liaoning province, Sino-Foreign cooperative education institutions and so on.

The conference centeredon 3 aspects: the function and current situation of Sino-foreign runningschools, the problems and difficulties in the running process, and policyinterpretation and making suggestions, such as organizational innovation,leadership development,faculty building, etc.