Delegated by EU Commission, two experts, namely Dr. CAI Wenguo and Prof.Andreas Oberheitmann came to ICARE to carry out the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE),from June17-21. Dr. CAI Wenguo is the director of International Programs in TheConference Board of Canada. And Pr. Andreas Oberheitmann is the director of theResearch Center for International Environmental Policy in Tsinghua University.

In that week, they conducted meetings with all ICARE staffs, as well asorganization/institution that are involved into ICARE project, such as Frenchconsulate General in Wuhan, HUST labs (Wuhan National Laboratory forOptoelectronics and Carbon Capture&Sequestration research center) andinternational office, as well as Wuhan Rixin Technology Group and CentralSouthern China Electric Power Design Institute. Their report which will give anupdate on ICARE achievements and provide advices for its future development isexpected for end of August.