• Institute activities
China-EU Joint Declaration on Energy Security
Source: Release:2012-10-25 17:13:03 Writer:suchun Hits:

China-EU Joint Declaration on Energy Security

Brussels, 3 May 2012

a. Recalling the Joint Press Communique adopted on the occasion of the 14th China-EU Summit (Beijing, 14 February 2012) calling for a High Level Meeting on Energy and reinforced cooperation on energy security;

b. Recalling the Joint Statement on Energy Security adopted at the ASEM Ministerial Meeting (Brussels, 17-18 June 2009) on Energy Security as an expression of willingness to join forces on this item;

c. Reaffirming the Conclusions of the European Council of 4 February 2011 calling for the development of mutually beneficial energy partnerships, notably on energy security, with key third countries;

d. Recalling that China agreed to uphold and implement the New Energy Security Concept, put forward by President Hu Jintao at the G8 Summit (St. Petersburg, 15-17 July 2006), which called for mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified forms of development and common energy security through coordination. To jointly ensure global energy security, China is willing to strengthen cooperation with energy producers and consumers on the basis of the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefit;

e. Recalling the speech of Premier Wen Jiabao at the opening of the 5th World Future Energy Summit (Abu Dhabi, 16 January 2012) calling for enhanced consultation and dialogue; noting that he called inter alia for the development of fair, reasonable and binding international rules, a multilateral security co-ordination mechanism and for the building of early warning systems on the energy market, possibly within the G20 framework;

f. Acknowledging that:

- The well-being of our people, industry and economy depends on safe, secure, sustainable and affordable energy;

- Addressing global climate change as well as sustainable development create new challenges and opportunities to energy security;

- Collectively, China and the EU account for around one third of world energy use and this share is foreseen to continue growing over the coming years;

Both sides affirmed that,

1. With high levels of global energy consumption, in particular of fossil fuels, and the volatility of oil prices on international markets, the sustainability of our energy security and socio-economic development is increasingly an issue of mutual concern;

2. Enhancing energy security requires comprehensive energy policies at international, regional and national levels that include a diversification of sources, routes and types of energy supplies, emergency mechanisms and the encouragement of the use of safe and sustainable low-carbon technologies, including those in the coal sector. They should also encourage more sustainable and cleaner energy resources, in particular the development of renewable energy sources. Both sides intend to further enhance dialogue on climate change related domestic policies and share experiences on specific climate change legislation.

3. Energy security will also be enhanced through establishing an open, transparent, efficient and competitive energy market, including transparent and efficient legal and regulatory frameworks, which should encourage necessary investments in exploration, production, transportation and efficient and sustainable use of energy;

4. To secure our energy needs and achieve mutually beneficial objectives, both sides intend to engage into a strategic energy consumer partnership through aligning concepts of energy security, increasing exchanges about energy infrastructure construction and promoting open dialogue and cooperation;

5. Rule-based energy governance should be promoted at global level. To this end, both sides intend to strengthen exchange and coordination as regards global energy trends, energy strategies and policies, through enhanced coordination with international fora such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), International Partnership on Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), the G20 and the UN Sustainable Energy for All Initiative. Both sides intend to promote the incorporation of internationally recognised norms and standards given by legally binding international treaties which China and the EU have entered into their respective national legislations;

6. Where nuclear energy is considered an option as part of an energy diversification policy, it is important to ensure nuclear safety. Both sides intend to strengthen cooperation on nuclear safety, including technological standards, regulatory and legislative frameworks, and emergency preparedness and response, in particular with reference to nuclear safety standards and norms recommended by IAEA;

7. Promoting energy conservation and energy efficiency across all the sectors of the economy is a fundamental part of energy security policies; To that end, both sides intend to strengthen cooperation on advanced technologies and regulations so as to improve energy conversion efficiency in industrial processes;

8. Comprehensive energy security policies should include promotion of investment in renewable energy and efficient connection to the grids; To that end, both sides intend to enhance cooperation on comprehensive use of renewable energy, grid access and distributed use;

9. In the field of low-carbon urban construction, both sides intend to strengthen the exchange and cooperation on the development of low-carbon urban energy systems, including energy-efficient buildings, clean urban transportation and the integration of distributed renewable energy in urban settings;

10. Energy security should include consultation on the development of adequate and secure infrastructures and cooperation to ensure that offshore oil and gas production respect the highest safety, health and environmental standards;

11. Cooperation is intended to be enhanced as regards research and innovation, the deployment and dissemination of advanced and environmentally sound energy technologies. There will be exchange of know-how, including on policies and regulations;

12. Directorate General in charge of Energy of the European Commission and the China National Energy Administration of P.R.C will coordinate the above cooperation on energy. The annual Energy Dialogue, the China-EU Clean Energy Center (EC2) and the Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE) are intended to be key tools in achieving the above commitments. Enterprises from both sides should be encouraged to work closely with the China- EU Clean Energy Center (EC2);

13. The sixth Energy Dialogue will take place in China in 2013.


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