From 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm of November 16, the lecture “Wind Energy: Challenges from the Large-scale Integration into Power Systems”, which was presented by Mr. George Kariniotakis, Head of Research Group « Renewable Energies and SmartGrids – ERSEI » at MINES ParisTech and Senior Scientist of Centre for Energy & Processes at MINES ParisTech, was successfully held in the lecture theater 217 of the West Building No. 5.
In order to have more students receive multi-aspect cultivation and training, this lecture was hosted in English all through by the Student Wang Duo, who has been the third current student English host since our institute implemented this policy.
Mr. George Kariniotakis introduced in detail relevant principles, technical, applicable environment of wind energy, and influences of climate and geographic distribution condition on use and development of wind energy. He specially introduced and analyzed the difficult point, which is also the key point, of use and development of wind energy, namely accurate forecast and prediction of wind. During relevant analysis and introduction, Mr. George Kariniotakis pointed out the reasons why accurate forecast and prediction are difficult. He also indicated that the most functional method for enhancing accuracy of forecast was to enhance time density of data sample collection, and he proved, with relevant data curve, that higher data collection density could greatly enhance accuracy of forecast. Afterwards, Mr. George Kariniotakis also introduced several methods for effective data sample collection which are popularizing in Europe.
The final part of the lecture was question-and-answer interaction. Though this was an overcast and cold day, the atmosphere was still extraordinarily enthusiastic. The students asked questions and expressed their opinions one after another, which made it necessary to constantly extend time for this part. However, such extension was still not sufficient enough to satisfy the students’ thirst for knowledge of world cutting-edge wind energy technology. The participants of the lecture also include the faculty of our institute such as Yi Hui, Chinese executive director, Professor Hu Song, director of Research Centre, and Liu Yang, director of Education Centre, etc.; European faculties who are teaching in our institute such as Alain Thorel, Christian Beauger, Jolanta Swaitowska, etc.; and some international students.
After the lecture, Mr. George Kariniotakis accepted gifts with great joyfulness, took photos as a memento, and then continued to answer students’ questions.