You and I
A shared wish for the very best to Prof. Christian Beauger and Prof. Laurrent Fulcheri from
students Li Hanjian, Chi Huanying, and Liu Qicong!
The cursor stays still, thoughts overwhelm me
You taught me to protect myself, from which I've benefited a lot
You encouraged me to be braver, I surprised you in a big way as a result
You greeted me in French, I used sign language to bring out my arguments
You said you had only 30 minutes to talk, I stretched it to 45 minutes
You invited me to your home, there I ended up consuming a lot of carrots
Your French came out occasionally at meetings, my Chinese slipped out when giving reports
You don't even like cheese, how could you eat everything uncooked?
Upon departure
Can we still be colleagues? It will be very expensive for me to come back again
I want to try some Chinese food, I kind of like Baguette
You've done an excellent job, you provided great guidance
I will go to China, I will treat you to a fancy meal
Take care
Take care
Outside the window
The Mediterranean blends into a vast expanse of azure, the sunlight wraps the land under Yujia Hill in a golden color
You and I
Facing the sea, facing the hill
Make a promise
That you will be safe and sound, and I will forge ahead with my goals despite all the difficulties
Do you still smile with warmth?
Is what I wrote clear to you?
In fact
There is so much I want to say
But English fails me
So I have to end here