On the morning of November 27th of 2018, the Association for Global Governance and Sustainable Development at Huazhong University of Science and Technology ("HUSTGGSD" for short) arrived at the Economy Division of the United Nations Environment Programme ("UNEP-Economy Division" for short) for survey. Located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, France, UNEP-Economy Division represents a major international force in the global environmental protection endeavor. Mr. Mark Radaka, Head of the Environment Office of UNEP-Economy Division, and senior project officers Lily, Patric and others staffs attended the meeting. The two sides exchanged views on the international rules and affairs regarding clean energy.
Ms. Liang Yuanyuan, instructor of HUSTGGSD, first talked briefly about the HUSTGGSD. Being the only student club at Huazhong University of Science and Technology that is oriented towards international organizations, HUSTGGSD is strong in clean energy and environmental protection. It is proactive about participating in global governance and sending students to learn and work at international organizations. Furthermore, she also expressed her hope that through the survey the two sides could enhance mutual understanding and students could get better knowledge of the UNEP's policy formulation, project implementation, talent demand, and school-enterprise cooperation.
Then Mr. Mark Radaka talked about the UNEP's main work and mission as well as its workflow and system. Student representatives who attended the meeting introduced themselves in turn and discussed affordable and clean energy (which is Goal 7 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations) based on their knowledge of clean and renewable energy.
Considering the current development of renewable energy worldwide and related energy policies, the senior project officer Patric talked about the importance of energy efficiency to the development of clean energy. Moreover, he voiced his approval of China's determination to make emissions reduction commitments in the 2015 "Paris Agreement". He also praised China for achieving the emissions reduction goal ahead of schedule. He said that UNEP is working hard to prompt different countries to jointly achieve the goal set in the "Paris Agreement", which is limiting global temperature rise to below 2 degrees centigrade by 2030. The achievement of this goal requires both the development of clean energy and the efforts of all young people committed to research on clean energy.
Last, teachers and students asked questions about the number and requirements of UNEP intern recruitment, process, rules and regulations of application for internships at international organizations, and the experience required for obtaining internships from international organizations. They received detailed answers from UNEP's senior project officer Lily Riahi.
At the meeting, the achievements and experience of the United Nations in energy-related SDGs were reviewed, allowing students to get first-hand knowledge of how international affairs are run and how international rules work as well as how experts at international organizations work. Such knowledge is obtained outside class. In addition, the meeting increased students' sense of identity with and their sense of mission in the clean energy industry. At the same time, it also encouraged them to participate in global governance and international policy studies as well as achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Association for Global Governance and Sustainable Development at Huazhong University of Science and Technology
HUSTGGSD is a non-profit organization that was established and managed by students and joined voluntarily by students. It is affiliated with ICARE-HUST's only Sino-foreign cooperative education platform. HUSTGGSD has pooled ICARE's superior resources, such as experts and scholars, and carried out a number of special activities under the guidance of the Graduate Student Affairs Office to cultivate students' interest in international organizations and deepen their understanding of international organizations. It provides a platform through which all students at HUST can contact international organizations.
Students who are interested in internships in international organizations can join the QQ group: 936735380