On December 14th, 2021, Ms. SONG Qianqian, a student of Grade 2019 participated the defense of European Master's thesis, and successfully completed the remote defense on MS teams. Professor Rodrigo RIVERA TINOCO from Mines ParisTech, France, Professor Yang Haiping and Associate professor Shao Jing’ai from HUST, China , served as the Defense Committee members of this student.
Song gave a 20 minute presentation entitled "A comparative study on energy efficiency of the maritime supply chains for liquefied hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and natural gas", and then she answered the questions raised by the committee members.

Song had a one-year study and internship in France. During the internship, her European supervisor Professor Rodrigo RIVERA TINOCO was very patient with her. While encouraging her quickly adapt to the subject, he also gave her a great help in life and work. The defense paper is based on the project of the European internship, and polished under the guidance of Professor Yang Haiping and Professor Yang Qing after Song’s returning.