The Graduate Student Association of ICARE organized an experience-sharing session on June 1, 2023, in the Clean Energy Building N411 for the Science and Innovation Competition. The session featured presentations from two students: Mr. Ding Jianfu, who won first prize in the Electronic Design Competition for graduate students, and Mr. Zhang Jingyu, who won a gold medal in the national competition "Internet +". The purpose of the session was to help other students improve their performance in science and technology innovation competitions by learning from the experiences of these successful students.
During the Electronic Design Competition, Mr. Ding Jianfu explained the rules and how it works. He compared the technical competition to the commercial competition and shared their team's experience in developing a fault tolerance scheme for an electronic power controller. With their innovation, they were able to achieve a stable suspension at high speeds which greatly improved the safety and stability of magnetic bearings.

During the presentation, Mr. Zhang Jingyu outlined the criteria for the "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and also shared his own experience leading the creation of Sigwell Technology (Wuhan) Co., LTD. His team specializes in laser welding technology and has achieved remarkable precision, with laser temperature controlled within ±2 °C and a minimum solder joint welding of 80μm.

This informative session helped students understand the exciting opportunities available through the competition and provided valuable insights and experiences related to science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship.