• Institute activities
Supervisor of ICARE attends Erasmus + short-term teaching program in Europe
Source: Release:2023-07-17 09:10:57 Writer: Hits:


Recently, Shan Feng, a Chinese tutor of ICARE and associate professor of the School of Energy and Power Engineering, went to Greece to give a three-day intensive lecture in the frame of Erasmus+ program between HUST and NTUA.. Experts and scholars such as Dimitrios Bouris, Director of the Innovation Environment Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Vasileios Riziotis, Director of Fluid section and head of Aerodynamics Laboratory, and Dimitrios Mathioulakis, senior professor, attended the lecture.


The lecture is mainly for master's and doctoral students in fluid mechanics-related majors of the Mechanical Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens, with a total of 8 teaching hours. Combined with his own theoretical research and practical experience in the project, Shan Feng conducts teaching on Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and its applications to flow visualization and temperature field measurement, tomographic particle image velocimetry and some real applications, as well as the simultaneous measurement of velocity field and mass/heat transfer and the case analysis of the influence of pseudo-sequence structure on flow accelerated corrosion.


Shan Feng's meticulous and vivid lectures have won high praise from the participating teachers and students. Vasileios Riziotis, Director of the fluid section, said, "All of us, faculty and students, who attended Professor Shan Feng's classes,during previous days, we appreciated the clarity of his lecturing, his scientific maturity and professionalism. We are grateful to HUST for giving us this opportunity to host a high level researcher, who despite his young age managed to inspire and trigger our students.We would be more than happy to have him back again soon, for a longer stay, which besides lecturing would also include closer scientific collaboration on common interest topics.""


During this period, Shan Feng also introduced HUST and ICARE. Participants were impressed by the speed of development of Chinese universities and the level of academic research.



The National Technical University of Athens is the oldest and most prestigious higher education institution in Greece, ranked first in the 2024QS World Rankings in Greece. At the end of 2019, ICARE jointly applied for the EU Erasmus + teacher and student exchange program. Within the framework of this project, ICARE has successfully sent a master's degree student to the aerodynamic laboratory of the school for a six-month study. Shan Feng's trip was the first time that ICARE sent teachers to teach in top European universities. In the future, ICARE will continue to expand high-quality communication channels between teachers and students, accumulate high-level international educational strength, better serve the university's 2030 global development strategy, and actively promote exchanges and mutual learning in higher education between China and Europe.