On September 20, 2023, the "ICARE OUR CAREER" interview simulation held its first leaderless group discussion of the academic year with the goal of improving the ability and confidence of third-year graduate students in autumn recruitment interviews. 8 students participated in a mock interview with Mr. Li Zhitian, the director assistant of the Research Center and career consultant of ICARE. The mock interview consisted of a first leaderless group discussion interview, followed by members scoring each other, with the career consultant providing additional comments. The process continued with a second leaderless group discussion interview followed by comments among members and experience-sharing, culminating in the selection of the best performers and a summary by the career consultant.

The leaderless group discussion is a common interview method used by companies to assess an interviewee's ability in various aspects such as teamwork, competency and time management. The use of simulated interviews is a necessary way to improve students' comprehensive interview abilities. In the future, "ICARE OUR CAREER" plans to hold mock interview activities according to the needs of the students and encourage active participation.