• Institute activities
Dr. Zou Mingqing, Vice-dean of ICARE, visited Europe to carry out exchanges and cooperation.
Source: Release:2023-11-08 16:48:35 Writer: Hits:

 It has been 20 years since the establishment of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. To strengthen the partnership with European institutions, a delegation consisting of relevant leaders from HUST's School of International Education, -China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy(ICARE), and School of Mechanical Science & Engineering visited relevant universities in Belgium, France, and the United Kingdom from October 11 to 18. The purpose of the visit was to discuss a new vision of cooperation and open a new chapter of exchanges.


On October 11, the delegation visited the Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the European Union in Brussels, Belgium. During the visit, Dr. Zou Mingqing introduced ICARE, its history, activities, achievements and future plans.

 A "Study Abroad HUST" recruitment meeting was held by the delegation in Paris, France on October 13. The meeting was attended by almost 100 teachers and students from "École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications" and "ECAM LYON". During the meeting, Dr. Zou Mingqing had an in-depth exchange with scholars in the energy field, discussing the next steps to promote substantive cooperation in the field of energy research, student exchange and other possible paths of cooperation.


During October 16-18, the delegation visited Royal Holloway, Queen Mary University of London, and Oxford University to discuss internships and research collaborations. They also held a "Study Abroad HUST" recruitment meeting, which was attended by nearly 50 teachers and students. Dr. Zou Mingqing delivered a keynote address on "The Mission and Future of Energy Practitioners".


During this visit, HUST has strengthened the friendship and deepened the cooperation with the Chinese Mission to the EU and European universities. This will help promote the sustainable development of ICARE and friendly exchanges of higher education between China and Europe.