• Course description
Introduction to RE_Clean coal (20130107-20130111)
Source: Release:2012-12-20 15:38:21 Writer:suchun Hits:

From January 7th, 2013 to January 10th, 2013, the Master1 (class 2014) course "Introduction for Renewable Energy-Clean Coal" will be taught by professor from TOTAL-TPA.

A general introduction is as following:

Lecturer: Dr MValdelievre, Total TPA

Duration: 1 week

Introduction to theCourse:

This Course provides some general overview on Coal: Origin –Ranking/Analysis- World resources and reserves- mining techniques- Industrialuses - Coal & Power binomial – Combustion features and industrial cleantechnologies - CO2 emission problematic : reduction and CCS processes – CoalPower generation economics.

Teaching Schedule:

The minimum teachinghour is 16H in each week.

Teaching room:

West 5 Building

Monday (lecture topics)

Tuesday (lecture topics)

Wednesday (lecture topics)

Thursday (lecture topics)


(lecture topics)

8:30 -10 am


A Fossil Fuel

& Commodity


Coal Uses

Clean Coal Combustion



Coal & Power Issues

& Conclusions

10:00 - 10:15 am

Break time

Break time

Break time

Break time

Break time

10:15 -11:45 am.

The Coal Chain

Mining & Logistic

Coal Combustion

& Effluent Problematic

CO2 emission Problematic


Reduction- CCS


40 questions

Lunch Hour

Lunch Hour

Lunch Hour

Lunch Hour

Lunch Hour

2:00 -3:30 pm.

Tutorial session

Tutorial session

3:30-3:45 pm.

Break time

Break time

Break time

Break time

Break time

3:45-5:15 pm.


- 2 tutorial and training sessiosn scheduled

- Course Evaluation questionnaire to be fulfilled by the students on Wednesday

- QCM test-40 questions-scheduled at the last session

For detailed description, please click here to download it.

master programme

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